Winds of Destruction
(I had this dream on March 13, 2004)
It appeared to be late afternoon or possibly early evening. I was
walking with a woman that seemed like someone I hadn't known for long. We were walking down a very run-down looking street,
that was cluttered with News Papers, Card Board Boxes, Homeless Teens and Stray Animals of various kinds.
We seemed
to be discussing the condition of this area and how it seemed that the Whole Earth seemed to be this same way. As we walked
and talked, I looked up at the sky and this is what I saw: The Sky seemed abnormally dark (but not black) and it looked like
the Clouds were Split only to Reveal the Full Moon. As I looked at the Moon, it was Deep Orange in Color and the Face that
one is used to seeing was Different; it had the appearance of a Jack'O Lantern.
As I was thinking about how Strange
the Full Moon looked, I heard a Voice that sounded like it was coming from the Heavens, "Go to your home! While you are walking,
you shall see strange people; do not stop to talk to them! When you get to your home, Lock Your House Up Tight; for THE WINDS
I thought to myself, "I must obey this voice!" And as I turned to tell the woman that
was with me what I had seen and heard; she was no longer there! I began running as fast as I could and did see many strange
people coming from various places. I did not stop to talk!
As I approached our drive way, I turned and looked at the
Sky again, for I could hear and feel the Wind begin! The Sky, for as far as I could see, was all Black and looked as if it
were Alive and Moving! I could feel the Strong Wind hitting my back! I could especially feel it on my neck; it felt like it
was stinging me.
I finally made it to the door and as I opened it, I began yelling to my husband all that I had Seen
and Heard! I got the door Locked and proceeded telling my husband that we need to get the windows and doors boarded up! As
we rushed to get the things together, I heard Strange Sounds; something, many things are Hitting the House!
I went
into my bedroom and saw that my window was open! The Dark Wind was everywhere! I couldn't tell what was hitting the house,
but as I was trying to see what it was; my husband called out for me to come into the living room. "What is that?!" I
ran from my bedroom, too alarmed at the sound of my husband's voice, that I forgot to close my window!
I ran to the
living room to find, coming through a little round hole in the front door a LOCUST (we really have a hole at the base of the
front door to allow for electrical cords)! Then there were many Locust! Then we could feel the Dark Wind somehow entering
the house! And then I thought, "Oh no, my window!"
We had no time to find somewhere to hide and protect ourselves,
but the coffee table and couch. My husband lay in between the table and couch, and all I could think of was to lay on the
other side of the table! I remember us holding hands on the underside of the table (where there are little cubby holes for
books or nicknacks)! I remember we both cried out, "Lord Save Us!"
Then I woke up!
Please pray about this dream, and ask the Lord for an Interpretation.
If you feel that He has given you the meaning, please send me an email!