AUSCHWITZ Auschwitz was the largest camp established by the Germans. A complex of camps, Auschwitz included a concentration,
extermination, and forced-labor camp. It was located 37 miles west of Krakow (Cracow), near the prewar German-Polish border
in Eastern Upper Silesia, an area annexed to Germany in 1939. Three large camps established near the Polish town of Oswiecim
constituted the Auschwitz camp complex: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Birkenau), and Auschwitz III (Monowitz).
AUSCHWITZ I Auschwitz I, the main camp, was the first camp established near Oswiecim. Construction began in May 1940 in a suburb
of Oswiecim, in an artillery barracks formerly used by the Polish army. The SS continuously expanded the physical contours
of the camp with forced labor. The first prisoners were German criminal prisoners deported from the Sachsenhausen concentration
camp in Germany and Polish political prisoners from Tarnow.
Auschwitz I was primarily a concentration camp, serving a penal function, it also had a gas chamber and crematorium. An improvised
gas chamber was located in the basement of the prison, Block 11, and a larger, more permanent gas chamber was later constructed
in the crematorium.
SS physicians carried out medical experiments in the hospital, Barrack (Block) 10. They conducted
pseudoscientific research on infants, twins, and dwarfs, and performed forced sterilizations, castrations, and hypothermia
experiments on adults.
Between the crematorium and the medical-experiments barrack stood the "Black Wall," where SS
guards executed thousands of prisoners.
AUSCHWITZ II Construction of Auschwitz II, or Auschwitz-Birkenau,
began in the vicinity of Brzezinka in October 1941. Of the three camps established near Oswiecim, the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp
had the largest total prisoner population. It was divided into nine sections separated by electrified barbed-wire fences and,
like Auschwitz I, was patrolled by SS guards and some dog handlers. The camp included sections for women, en, Roma (Gypsies),
and families deported from the Theresienstadt ghetto.
Auschwitz-Birkenau played a central role in the German plan
to exterminate the Jews of Europe. In September 1941, in Auschwitz I, the SS first tested Zyklon B gas as an instrument of
mass murder. The "success" of these experiments led to the adoption of Zyklon B for all the gas chambers in Auschwitz. At
first, the SS gassed prisoners at two farmhouses that were converted into gas chambers. Provisional gas chamber I went into
operation in January 1942 and was later dismantled. Provisional gas chamber II operated from June 1942 through the fall of
1944. The SS judged these facilities to be inadequate for the scale of gassing they planned at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Four large
crematorium buildings were constructed between March and June 1943. Each had three components: a disrobing area, a large gas
chamber, and crematorium ovens. The SS continued gassing operations at Auschwitz-Birkenau until November 1944.
DEPORTATIONS TO AUSCHWITZ Trains arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau almost daily with transports of Jews from virtually every country in Europe occupied
by or allied to Germany. These transports arrived from 1942 to the end of summer 1944.
With the deportations from
Hungary, the role of Auschwitz-Birkenau as an instrument in the German plan to murder the Jews of Europe achieved its highest
effectiveness. In May 1944, deportations from Hungary began, the largest wave of deportations to Auschwitz. By July 1944,
nearly 440,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. The SS sent most of them directly to death in the gas
New arrivals at Auschwitz-Birkenau underwent selection. The SS staff determined the majority to be unfit
for forced labor and sent them immediately to the gas chambers, which were disguised as shower installations to mislead the
victims. The belongings of those gassed were confiscated and sorted in the "Kanada" (Canada) warehouse for shipment back to
Germany. Canada symbolized wealth to the prisoners.
At least 1.1 million Jews were killed in Auschwitz. Other victims
included between 70,000 and 75,000 Poles, 21,000 Roma, and about 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war.
On October 7, 1944,
several hundred prisoners assigned to Crematorium IV at Auschwitz-Birkenau rebelled after learning that they were going to
be killed. During the uprising, the prisoners killed three guards and blew up the crematorium and adjacent gas chamber. The
prisoners used explosives smuggled into the camp by Jewish women who had been assigned to forced labor in a nearby armaments
factory. The Germans crushed the revolt and killed almost all of the prisoners involved in the rebellion. The Jewish women
who had smuggled the explosives into the camp were publicly hanged.
Gassing operations continued, however, until November
1944, at which time the SS disabled the gas chambers that still functioned. The SS destroyed the remaining gassing installations
as Soviet forces approached in January 1945.
AUSCHWITZ III Auschwitz III, also called Buna or Monowitz, was established in nearby Monowice to provide forced laborers for the
Buna synthetic rubber works. The German conglomerate I.G. Farben established a factory in order to take advantage of cheap
concentration camp labor and the nearby Silesian coalfields. It invested more than 700 million Reichsmarks (about 1.4 million
U.S. dollars in 1942 terms) in Auschwitz III.
Prisoners selected for forced labor were registered and tattooed with
identification numbers on their left arms in Auschwitz I. They were then assigned to forced labor in Auschwitz or in one of
the many subcamps attached to Auschwitz III.
AUSCHWITZ SUBCAMPS The Germans forcibly expelled the entire local population from Oswiecim and from an area of 40 square miles around
the camp. This area became known as the camp's "development zone" and was reserved for the camp's exclusive use. Most of the
Auschwitz subcamps were established within this officially designated area, including Althammer, Blechhammer, Budy, Fuerstengrube,
Gleiwitz, Rajsko, and Tschechowitz. Virtually all of the subcamps were attached to Auschwitz III.
Auschwitz inmates
were employed on huge farms, including the experimental agricultural station at Rajsko. They were also forced to work in coal
mines, in stone quarries, in fisheries, and especially in armaments industries such as the German Armament Works (established
in 1941). Periodically, prisoners underwent selection. If the SS judged them too weak or sick to continue working, they were
transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau and killed.
LIBERATION OF AUSCHWITZ In mid-January 1945, as Soviet forces approached the Auschwitz camp complex, the SS began evacuating
Auschwitz and its satellite camps. Nearly 60,000 prisoners
were forced to march west from the Auschwitz camp system. Thousands had been killed in the camps in the days before these
death marches began. Tens of thousands of prisoners, mostly Jews, were forced to march to the city of Wodzislaw in the western
part of Upper Silesia. SS guards shot anyone who fell behind or could not continue. Prisoners also suffered from the cold
weather, starvation, and exposure on these marches. More than 15,000 died during the death marches from Auschwitz.
Upon arrival in Wodzislaw, the prisoners were put on unheated freight trains
and transported to concentration camps in Germany, particularly to Flossenbuerg, Sachsenhausen, Gross-Rosen, Buchenwald, and
Dachau, and also to Mauthausen in Austria. The rail journey lasted for days. Without food, water, shelter, or blankets, many
prisoners did not survive the transport.
In late
January 1945, 4,000 prisoners were forced on a death march from Blechhammer, a subcamp of Auschwitz. About 1,000 prisoners
died during the march to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. After a brief delay, the remaining prisoners were moved to the
Buchenwald camp in eastern Germany.
On January 27, 1945, the Soviet army entered Auschwitz and liberated more than
7,000 remaining prisoners, who were mostly ill and dying. It is estimated that at minimum 1.3 million people were deported
to Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945; of these, at least 1.1 million were murdered.
The village of Treblinka, located about
50 miles northeast of Warsaw, was in the northern region of the Generalgouvernement (a territory in the interior of occupied
Poland). In June 1941, a labor camp later known as Treblinka I was established near the village. Poles and Jews imprisoned
there were forced to work in a gravel pit to extract materials.
The Germans established an extermination camp known
as Treblinka II as part of Aktion Reinhard. Construction was completed in July 1942. Two other Aktion Reinhard camps, Belzec
and Sobibor, were already in operation.
The Treblinka extermination camp was located in a sparsely populated area near
the Polish village of Wolka Okraglik along the Malkinia-Siedlce railway line. The camp was 2.5 miles southeast of the village
and the railway station of Treblinka. The Germans built a railway spur that led from the labor camp, Treblinka I, to the extermination
camp, Treblinka II, and to the nearby railway station in the village of Treblinka. The site was heavily wooded and hidden
from view.
The camp was laid out in a trapezoid of 1,312 by 1,968 feet. Branches woven into the barbed-wire fence and
trees planted around the perimeter served as camouflage, blocking any view into the camp from the outside. Watchtowers 26
feet high were placed along the fence and at each of the four corners.
The camp was divided into three parts: the
reception area, the living area, and the killing area. The living area contained housing for German staff and their Ukrainian
auxiliaries assigned to the camp, administrative offices, clinic, storerooms, and workshops. One section contained barracks
that housed Jewish prisoners forced to work in the camp.
Incoming trains of about 50 or 60 cars first stopped at the
Treblinka village railway station. Twenty cars at a time were detached from the train and brought into the killing center.
The guards ordered the victims to disembark in the reception area, which contained the railway siding and platform. German
officers announced that the deportees had arrived at a transit camp and were to hand over all valuables. The reception area
also contained a fenced-in "deportation square" with two barracks in which deportees--men separated from women and children--had
to undress, and two large storerooms where victims' possessions, confiscated upon arrival, were sorted for shipment back to
A camouflaged, fenced-in path, known as the "tube," led from the reception area to the gas chamber entrance.
Victims were forced to run naked along this path to the gas chambers, deceptively labeled as showers. Once the chamber doors
were sealed, an engine installed in a room attached to the gas chambers was started. Carbon monoxide was funneled into the
gas chambers, killing those inside. Members of the Sonderkommando--groups of Jewish prisoners stationed for forced labor in
the killing area--removed the bodies from the gas chambers and buried them in huge trenches.
Deportees who were too
weak to reach the gas chambers on their own were told they would receive medical attention. Members of the Sonderkommando
carried them to a camouflaged area, which was disguised--with a Red Cross flag--as a hospital. There, SS and auxiliary police
guards shot them.
Deportations to Treblinka came mainly from the ghettos of the Warsaw and Radom
districts in central Poland. Between late July and September 1942, the Germans deported more than 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw
ghetto to Treblinka. Treblinka also received transports from Lublin and Bialystok.
Jews were also deported to Treblinka
from the Theresienstadt ghetto in Bohemia, from German-occupied Greece and Slovakia, and from the Bulgarian-occupied zones
in Greece and Yugoslavia. Other transports came from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union. About 2,000
Roma (Gypsies) from throughout central Europe were deported to Treblinka and killed.
Deportations to Treblinka continued
until May 1943. A few isolated transports arrived after that date. Beginning in the fall of 1942, the Germans began to exhume
bodies from the mass graves and burn them in order to obliterate the evidence of mass killing. Jewish prisoners were forced
to do this grisly work. The burning of corpses continued until the end of July 1943.
RESISTANCE IN TREBLINKA Jewish inmates organized a resistance group in Treblinka in early 1943. When
camp operations neared completion, the prisoners feared they would be killed and the camp dismantled. The resistance leaders
decided to revolt. On August 2, 1943, prisoners quietly seized weapons from the camp armory, but were discovered before they
could take over the camp. Hundreds of prisoners stormed the main gate in an attempt to escape. Many were killed by machine-gun
fire. More than 300 did escape, most only to be captured and killed by German police and troops. Most of the camp was burned
down by the prisoners in the uprising. The surviving prisoners were forced to remove all remaining traces of the camp's existence.
They too were then shot.
The Germans ordered the dismantling of Treblinka in the fall of 1943. Between 700,000 and
850,000 people had been killed there.
AGAINST HUMANITY In Alphabetical Order
Ion: Born 1880 Death 1946 Pro-Nazi Dictator of Romania from 1940-1944. Responsible for the Deportation and Murder of
more than 250,000 Jews. He was Executed in 1946 as a War Criminal.
Bach-Zelewski, Erich Von Dem: Born 1899 Death 1972 SS General prominently involved in the Murder of Eastern European
Jews, including Atrocities in Estonia, Minsk, and Mogilev and the Suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. He was not Prosecuted
for his Actions against the Jews because he Testified against some of the Accused at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. In 1951,
however, a Munich Denazification Court Condemned him to a form of House Arrest for 10 years, and in 1962 he was Convicted
of Multiple Murders committed in 1933-1934 and was Sentenced to Life Imprisonment.
Barbie, Klaus: Born 1913 Death 1991 German War Criminal
in Lyons, France. He was brought to Justice in 1987.
Kurt: Born 1909 Death Unknown SS Commander who in 1944, on Order of Adolf Eichmann, negotiated with Jewish Leaders (ie
Rudolf Kasztner) in Hungary for the "Rescue Train", which took 1,685 Jews to Safety in Switzerland in Exchange for Goods worth
Millions of Swiss Francs. In 1945 Heinrich Himmler named Becher Special Reich Commissioner for All Concentration Camps. He
Testified for the Prosecution at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials and Escaped Prosecution partly because of the Evidence of
Blobel, Paul: Born 1894 Death 1951 Head
of the Sonderkommando (Special Killing Squad) in Ukraine. He was responsible for the Massacre at Babi Yar in September 1941.
He later was put in Charge of Aktion 1005, whose purpose was to Hide or Destroy the Evidence of Mass Murders in Eastern Europe.
He was Convicted of War Crimes in 1948 and Executed in 1951.
Martin: Born 1900 Death 1945? Press Officer in Thuringia, Nazi Party, a Delegate to the Reichstag, and Chief of Staff
to Rudolf Hess. After his Appointment as Head of the Fuhrer Chancellery in May 1941, he had Control over Adolf Hitler's Schedule,
and the Confidence that Hitler placed in him gave him Considerable Power. He signed Orders to Deport Jews to the East, to
Consolidate Control of the Jews under the SS, and to Conceal Nazi Atrocities. He Disappeared after the War, was Tried in Absentia
and Found Guilty of War Crimes, and Sentenced to Death in 1946. In 1973 the West German Government accepted the Report of
a Forensic Expert that a Skeleton unearthed the previous year in West Berlin was that of Bormann, and Officially Declared
him Dead.
Brack, Viktor: Born 1904 Death 1948 SS
Colonel, Coordinator of the so-called Euthanasia Program, and was the Key Figure in the Murder of the Disabled, Political
Prisoners, and Jews. He was Convicted on War Crimes Charges and Sentenced to Death in 1947. He was Hanged in 1948.
Brunner, Alois: Born 1912 Death 1992? SS Officail who worked for Adolf
Eichmann in Austria, Germany, Greece, and France. He Organized the Deportation of Jews in the Cities of Vienna, Salonika,
and Nice and the Regions of Thrace, Macedonia and Slovakia. After the War he Fled to Syria and went into Hiding. In 1954 a
Paris Court Tried him in Absentia and Sentenced him to Death. He was eventaully Granted Asylum by Syria.
Clauberg, Carl: Born 1898 Death 1957 SS Official, Physician and Leading
Figure in the so-called Medical Experiments conducted at Auschwitz. He was Sentenced to 25 years in Prison in the Soviet Union
after the War, but was Released in 1955. He Died in a German Hospital shortly before a New Trial against him was to Begin.
Daluege, Kurt: Born 1897 Death 1946 SS General, Chief of the German Police,
Deputy Head of Occupation Administration in the Proctorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Reichsprotektor during the 1942 Lidice
Massacre, in which the Czech Town was Destroyed and All the Inhabitants were Killed or Deported. He was Executed as a War
Criminal in 1946.
Dannecker, Theodor: Born 1913 Death
1945 Senior SS Offical in charge of Deportation of Jews from France, Bulgaria, and Italy to the Extermination Camps in
Poland. He Committed Suicide in an American Prison in December 1945.
Dirlewanger, Oskar: Born 1895 Death 1945 Senior SS Officer, Commander of a Speical Unit (Brigade Dirlewanger)
that consisted mainly of Common Criminals, and Commandant of a Slave Labor Camp in Dzikow. His Unit was exceptionally Brutal
and was Sesponsible for the Mass Murder of Civilians. He participated in the Massacre of Jews in Eastern Europe and in Campaigns
against the Partisans. He Combated the Warsaw Uprising as well as the Slovak Uprising in 1944. He Died in Altshausen, a French
Prison Camp.
Eichmann, Adolf: Born 1906 Death 1962 SS
Officer who Directed the Implementation of the FINAL SOLUTION. He joined the SS in 1933, later became their Expert on the
JEWISH QUESTION, and steadily advanced in that Organization. He was made Chief of the Gestapo's Jewish Section in 1939. In
1939-1940 he developed the Method by which the Deportations of Jews from Germany and the Occupied Countries were carried out.
On the Orders of Reinhard Heydrich he planned and wrote the Protocols of the Wannsee Conference, at which the various department
Heads of the German Government learned of the FINAL SOLUTION and their Role in its Implementation. His Office, Section IVb4
of the Gestapo, issued the Orders to deport Jews to Labor, Concentration, and Extermination Camps. At the End of the War he
escaped to South America. In 1960 the Israeli Secret Service captured him in Argentina and Secretly Removed him to Israel,
where in 1961 he was Tried by an Israeli Court and Convicted of Crimes against Jewish People and Crimes against Humanity.
He was Hanged in 1962.
Eicke, Theodor: Born 1892 Death
1943 Commander of SS Death's Head Unit. He reorganized Dachau in 1933, instituting Methods of Extreme Brutality (including
Torture and Execution) and requiring complete obidience from his Subordinates. He brought these Policies to the Rest of the
Camps in 1934, when he was named Chief Inspector of German Concentration Camps. Closely Associated with Himmler and Heydrich,
he took Command of an SS Unit in 1939 that fought on the Eastern Front and Committed many War Crimes, such as the Murder of
Prisoners of War. He was Killed on the Eastern Front during a Reconnaissance Mission.
Frank, Hans: Born 1900 Death 1946 Early member of the Nazi Party and Governor of the Generalgouvernement (Poland)
during World War II. He Ordered the Execution of Thousands of Poles and helped to Create the Polish Ghettos. At Nuremberg
after the War he was Tried and Convicted on Charges of War Crimes. In his Prison Memoirs he was One of the few Nazi Leaders
to Express Regret for the Crimes he and the Nazi Party had Committed. He was Hanged in 1946.
Gerstein, Hurt: Born 1905 Death 1945 SS Officer who tried on several occations to alert Foreign Diplomats and
the Papal Nuncio in Berlin to the Mass Murder of Jews. He joined the SS to gather information after his sister was Killed
in the so-called Euthanasia Program. He became Head of a Department in the SS Institute of Hygiene in Berlin, in which Position
he Purchased the Gas unsed in the Death Chambers of Auschwitz. He Committed Suicide in a French Prison after the War.
Globocnik, Odilo: Born 1904 Death 1945 Senior SS Officer who Administered
the FINAL SOLUTION in Poland from 1941-1943. He Directed that Jews be Conscripted into Slave Labor and that their property
be confiscated. More then 2 Million Polish Jews were Murdered on his Orders. He Committed Suicide in May 1945 while awaiting
Trial for War Crimes.
Goebbels, Joseph: Born 1897 Death
1945 Minister of Propaganda and, prior to 1933, Head of the Nazi Organization in Berlin. He was an Intimate Associate and
Loyal Follower of Adolf Hitler. he effectively used the Media to Portray Jews as the Enemy of Germany and to Create the Popular
Mythology of the Fuhrer. He spearheaded efforts to Clear Berlin of Jews. In November 1938 he helped to Instigate the Kristallnacht
Pogroms. He was Appointed Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War in 1944. He Committed Suicide, along with his Wife and Six Children,
in Berlin during the Last Week of the War.
Goeth, Amon: Born
1906 Death 1948 SS Official and Commander in 1943-1944 of the Plaszow Camp near Krakow and other Labor Camps. He was responsible
for oversight of the Liquidation of the Polish Ghettos and Labor Camps. After the War he was Tried by the Polish Supreme Court
for Mass Murder, was Convicted, and Executed as a War Criminal in Krakow.
Goring, Hermann: Born 1893 Death 1946 President of the
Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia, Commander-In-Chief of the Laftwaffe, and Commissioner in Charge of the FOUR YEAR PLAN
for the War Economy. An early Recruit to Nazism, he helped Adolf Hitler to attain Dictorial Powers. He was put in Charge of
the JEWISH QUESTION in 1938 and made nominally Responsible for the Execution of the FINAL SOLUTION, though his influence waned
during the latter years of the Nazi Regime. Convicted of War Crimes at the Nuremberg Trials, he Committed Suicide the Day
he was Scheduled to Hang.
Grawitz, Ernst: Born 1899
Death 1945 Chief SS Physician, prominently involved in the FINAL SOLUTION, the Medical Experiments at Auschwitz, and the
so-called Euthanasia Program. He advised Heinrich Himmler on Plans for Gas Facilities and held an Interest in almost All types
of Experiments, including Exposure to Temperature and Pressure Extremes, Infections, Chemical Warfar, and Sterilization. He
Committed Suicide in 1945.
Heydrich, Reinhard: Born
1904 Death 1942 Chief of the RSHA (Reich Security Main Office). He played a Pivotal Role in Planning the FINAL SOLUTION.
He Ordered the Concentration of Polish Jews in Ghettos, planned the Deportation of German Jews, and Organized the Einsatzgruppen
(Mobile Killing Units). January 1942 he convened the Wannsee Conference, a meeting of Top Nazi Officials to Confirm a Plan
for the Extermination of the Jews. He was Assassinated by Czech Parachutists in June 1942 while serving as Deputy Head of
the German Military Administration in Prague.
Heinrich: Born 1900 Death 1945 Head of SS and German Minister of the Interior, during the War he was 2nd only to Adolf
Hitler in the Nazi Hierarchy. Himmler was the Main Figure in the Terror Apparatus of the Third Reich and the Nazi Leader more
directly involved in the FINAL SOLUTION. He established Dachau, the 1st Concentration Camp in Germany, and the Extermination
Camps in Eastern Europe. During the Last Phase of the War, he stopped the Mass Murders and Advised that Germany Surrender
to Eisenhower, whereupon Hitler stripped him of Power. Himmler was Captured by the British at the End of the Was but Committed
Suicide before he could be brought to Trial.
Hoss, Rudolf: Born 1900 Death 1947 Senior
SS Official employed in the Administration of Dachau and assigned as 1st Commandant of Auschwitz 1940-1943. He was Hanged
outside the Gas Chamber of Auschwitz I in April 1947. At his Trial and in his Autobiographical Prison Writings he provided
detailed descriptions of the Organization of the Largest Camps.
Jeckeln, Friedrich: Born 1895 Death 1946 Senior SS Commander who participated in the Execution of the FINAL SOLUTION
in Ukraine. Units under his authority Killed Thousands of Jewish Deportees in Ukraine and took part in the Babi Yar Massacre.
He Commanded the 1941 Extermination of the Jews in Riga. He was Hanged in Riga as a War Criminal in 1946.
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst: Born 1903 Death 1946 Senior SS Commander, Head
of the RSHA after Reinhard Heydrich. He worked on the so-called Euthanasia Program and was involved in the 1943 Deportations
to Theresienstadt and the Murder of Hungarian Jews. Convicted of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity at the Nuremberg Trials,
he was Hanged.
Kappler, Herbert: Born 1907 Death 1978 Senior
SS Commander, Chief of the Nazi Political Police in Italy after the 1943 German Occupation. He played a Key Role in the Liquidation
of Italian Jews and the Murder of the other Italians. He was Sentenced to Life Imprisonment after the War. He Escaped from
a Hospital in Rome in 1977 but Died soon Afterward.
Helmut: Born 1910 Death Unknown Senior SS Official in Charge of Internment and Deportation of Jews in Belgium and All
of Occupied Northern France. He was also Responsible for the Murder of Many French and of British Prisoners of Was. Although
he was Sentenced to Death by a British Military Court, a French Court Commuted the Sentence to Life Imprisonment. He was Released
in 1962.
Koch, Harl Otto: Born 1897 Death 1945 Senior
SS Oficer, Commander of Buchenwald in 1937 and of Majdanek in 1941. Both he and his wife (Ilse), were known for their Extreme
Cruelty and the Practice of Collecting the Tattooed Skin of their Victims. He was Arrested in 1945 by the Gestapo for Forgery,
Embezzlement, Mismanagement, and Insubordination. He was Sentenced to Death by a Nazi Court and Executed in April 1945.
Kramer, Josef: Born 1906 Death 1945 SS Officer who heold successive positions
at several Concentration Camps. After postings at Dachau, Sachsenhausen, and mauthausen, he became Aide-de-Camp to Rudolf
Hoss at Auschwitz. In April 1941 he was named Commadant of Natzweiler-Struthof. In May 1944 he returned to Auschwitz to Oversee
the Gas Chambers at Birkenau. In the last months of the War he served as Commandant of Bergen-Belsen. He was Tried by a British
Military Court and Executed in 1945.
Laval, Pierre: Born
1885 Death 1945 French Premier from 1931-1932 and 1935-1936. Premier of the Vichy Government in 1940 and from 1942 until
its abolition in September 1944. He collaborated with German Authorities in the Deportation of Jews from France. After the
War he was Tried for Treason by the French Government, Convicted, and Executed in October 1945.
Mengele, Josef: Born 1911 Death 1979 SS Official and Physician who Conducted Inhumane Medical Experiments at
Auschwitz. He Subjected Prisoners to X-Rays, Mutilations, Virulent Diseases, and Toxic Injections. His Speical Interest was
in Identical Twins, whom he Routinely Selected for Testing from among the New Arrivals to the Camp. When the Germans evacuated
Auschwitz, he was transferred to Mauthausen and then Disappeared after the War. He resurfaced in Argentina in 1949 and moved
to Uruguay in 1958, then Paraguay in 1959, and then Brazil in 1961. In July 1985 Forensic Experts exhumed the body of a man
who died in 1979 in a Drowning Accident in Brazil, and they Identified him as Mengele.
Mueller, Heinrich: Born 1900 Death 1945? Bavarian Police Officer, appointed to the SD (Security Police) in 1936
and named Chief of the Gestapo in September 1939. His rise to power was psurred by his Brutal Suppression of the 1934 Rohm
Putsch. A Top Aid to Reinhard Heydrich, he was Instrumental in the Nazi Reign of Terror and in the Implementation of the FINAL
SOLUTION. He caught and Ruthlessly Punished those invovled in the 1944 Plot against the Dictator. He disappeared in Berlin
during the Last Weeks of the War.
Mussolini, Benito: Born
1883 Death 1945 Italian Fascist Leader and Prime Minister in 1922-1943 who assumed Dictorial Powers. He was Executed by
Partisans in 1945.
Nebe, Arthur: Born 1894 Death 1945 German
Police Official who advanced rapidly under the Nazis. He was Head of the Kripo (Criminal Police). After the invasion of the
Soviet Union, he became Commander of Einsatzgruppe B, which Killed more than 40,000 Jews in Belorussia. He maintained contact
with Anti-Hitler Plotters, was Arrested after the failure of the July 1944 Coup, and was Executed by the Nazis during the
Last Months of the War.
Ohlendorf, Otto: Born 1907
Death 1951 Senior SS Official and Commander of Einsatzgruppe D, of which Killed approximately 100,000 Jews in the Southern
Districts of the Eastern Front. he was Sentenced to Death in "Case 9", one of the Post-Nuremberg Trials, and Hanged in Landsberg
in June 1951.
Pavelic', Ante: Born 1889 Death 1959 Leader
of the Radical Croat Independent Movement, later Head of the Croat State established by the Germans and Italians after their
Conquest of Yugoslovia in 1941. He preached a Fascist Doctrine and became the Founder of the Ustasha, a Nationalist and Terrorist
Organization. As Head of State, he added Antisemitism to the Ustasha Ideology and brought about the Deaths of many Thousands
of Serbs and Jews. His Regime was distinguished by Extreme Brutality. He escaped to Argentina after the War and Died in Spain.
Pellepoix, Louis Darquier De: Born 1897 Death 1980 Commissar for Jewish
affairs under the French Government at Vichy, in 1942-1944. He Collaborated with German Authorities and Helped to Organize
the Deportation of Jews from France. He escaped to Spain at the end of the War.
Pe'tain, Henri Philippe: Born 1856 Death 1951 Marshal of France, Hero of WWI, Head of the French Government at
Vichy after the German Conquest of France in June 1940. He Implemented French Persecution of the Jews. After the War the French
Government Convicted him of Treason and Condemned him to Death, but his Sentence was Commuted to Life Imprisonment.
Pius XII Eugenio Pacelli: Born 1876 Death 1958 Head of the Roman Catholic
Church during part of WWII. He Refused to Publically Condemn the Nazis' Treatment of the Jews, despite Pleas from within and
outside of the Church. He was Sharply Criticized after the War.
Pohl, Oswald: Born 1892 Death 1951 Senior SS Official, Head of the SS Business Empire that included Major Building
Projects. He was in Charge of the Forced Labor Units recruited from Concentration Camp Inmates, a Work Force of more than
500,000 Prisoners who were Leased to Private Factories. He was Responsible for the Selling of Jewish Possessions such as:
jewelry, gold fillings, hair, and clothing--to provide Funds for the German Government. He was captured in 1946, and was Sentenced
to Death in the Landsberg Trial and Executed in June 1951.
Vidkun: Born 1887 Death 1945 Norwegian Officer and Politician. He established a Political Movement along Nazi Lines
in the 1930s. He met with Hitler in December 1939 to Plan the German Occupation of Norway and Proclaimed himself Prime Minister
of the Puppet Government in April 1940. Within a week he was removed from Office by the Germans because of his Inability to
Assuage the Outrage of the Norwegian People, but he was Reinstated with German Support in 1942. He allowed nearly 1,000 Jews
to be Deported to Extermination Camps. After the Liberation he was Arrested by the Norwegian Government, Convicted of Treason,
and Executed in 1945. His name became a Synonym for Collaboration with the Enemy.
Rademacher, Franz: Born 1906 Death 1973 Head of the Judenreferat, the so-called Jewish Desk, in the German Foreign
Ministry, in 1940-1943. He promoted the abortive Madagascar Plan of 1940 to Relocate the Jews of Europe and was instrumental
in the Murder of Thousands of Serbian Jews in late 1941. After the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, he brought pressure
on the Governments of Neighboring States under German Occupation to Deport the Jews residing there to the Extermination Camps.
He received a Short Prison Sentence in 1952, but fled to Syria in 1953 while free on bond to await Appeal. He returned to
Germany in 1966 and was Sentenced to Prison but Died before his Appeal could be heard.
Rasch, Emil Otto: Born 1891 Death 1946 Commander of Einsatzgruppe C, which carried out the Mass Murder of Jews
at Babi Yar and elsewhere in the first months following the German Invasion of the Soviet Union. He was recalled to Berlin
in September 1941 and spent the rest of the War in Administrative Posts. He Died in Prison in Nuremberg during the War Crimes
Rath, Ernst Vom: Born Unknown Death 1938 He
was the 3rd Secretary at the German Embassy in Paris. He was Shot by the Polish Jewish Student Herszel Grynszpan on November
7, 1938. He Died 2 days later. The Nazis used the Murder to Incite Anti-Jewish Rioting and Violence in German Cities.
Rosenberg, Alfred: Born 1893 Death 1946 He was an Ideologist of the Nazi
Movement. Born in Reval (Tallinn), he moved to Munich after WWI. In 1030, he wrote "Myth of the Twentieth Century", a book
that Propagated Racist Theories of Art and Culture. After the Invasion of the Soviet Union, he was Appointed Minister for
the Occupied Territories. His influence in the Nazi Party declined throughout the Era of the Third Reich. After his Conviction
on War Crimes Charges in the Nuremberg Trials, he was Sentenced to Death and Executed.
Stahlecker, Franz: Born 1900 Death 1942 Senior SS Official. Head of Einsatzgruppe A, which operated in the Northern
Sector of Occupied Soviet Territory. He was Responsible for the Mass Murder of Jews and Other Nationals, particularly in the
Baltic Region. He was Killed in a Clash with Soviet Partisans.
Stagl, Franz: Born 1908 Death 1971 Senior SS Official, Austrian by Birth. He took part in the Execution of the
so-called Euthanasia Program and was Commander of the Sobibor and Treblinka Extermination Camps. He was detained after the
was, but escaped to Italy, then to Syria and Brazil. He was Deported to Germany in 1967 and was Condemned to Life Imprisonment
in 1970.
Streicher, Julius: Born 1885 Death 1946 Early
Nazi Leader, friend of Adolf Hitler, Head of the Region of Franconia. He Founded and Edited Der Sturmer, the Most Rapidly
Antisemitic of Nazi Publications. He was involved in various Corrupt Dealings and Personal Scandals. He was stripped of His
Rank and Functions by a Nazi Court in 1940, but continued to Edit Der Sturmer. He was Convicted of Crimes against Humanity
at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial and Executed in October 1946.
Thadden, Eberhard Von: Born 1909 Death 1964 Member of the SS, Official of the German Foreign Ministry. From April
1943 to the End of the War, he succeeded Franz Rademacher as Liaison Office between the Foreign Ministry and the Authorities
in Charge of the FINAL SOLUTION. He Organized the Deportation of Jews from Europe, especially those from Hungary in 1944,
to their Destruciton in the Extermination Camps. He was accused of War Crimes after the War; the Charges against him were
Dropped for Lack of Evidence but later were Resumed. He Died in a Traffic Accident before Proceedings against him could be
Thomas, Max: Born 1891 Death 1945 Commander
of Einsatzgruppe C, in 1942, which was active in Ukrain. His Unit Organized Pogroms, Mass Murders, and Massacres of Jews and
Other Persons deemed Dangerous by the Reich. He was Responsible, Inter Alia, for the Mass Murders at Kharkov. He attempted
to Hide after the War but was Apprehended and Committed Suicide in December 1945.
Wirth, Christian: Born 1894 Death 1944 SS Official who was Instrumental in the Development and Administration
of the so-called Euthanasia Program. He was sent to Lublin in 1941 to set up the first Euthanasia Center outside of Germany.
He later Supervised the Killing of Jews at the Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka Extermination Camps.
Wisliceny, Dieter: Born 1911 Death 1948 SS Official, close Colaborator of Adolf Eichmann's, Organizer of the
Deportation of the Slovak, Greek, and Hungarian Jews. He accepted the first Installment of the Ransom in the Europa Plan and
was Involved in the "Blood for Trucks" Proposal in Budapest. He was a Witness for the Prosecution at the 1945-1946 Nuremberg
War Crimes Trial. In 1948 he was Sentenced to Death in Czechoslovakia for War Crimes and was Executed. His Testimony was used
Posthumously in the 1961 Trial of Adolf Eichmann.