White Pillars
(I had this dream on June of 2003)
I am in what appears to be a large parking garage, when I hear a very loud sound. I then hear people
screaming. I run out to what looks like a very large lawn. I then see several White Pillars, falling down like Dominoes! They
didn't seem to fall all at the same time.
But the strange thing, was that within these Pillars; there appeared to
be Stair Cases. Within these Stair Cases, where many people. And when the first Pillar Fell, there were many who were hurt
very badly. The thing that seem to anger me, was that these people were only concerned about themselves and their own injuries.
I saw people everywhere, who were killed by the fall of the Pillars. One person in particular stood out, it was a
woman who had lost her arm and she was desperate to find it and didn't seem to care about all the dead bodies nor of those
who were severely injured. And it seemed that this was the same attitude all the survivors had as well.
It appeared
that there was some time in between each fall of the Pillars, and that although people could see it coming, they were not
concerned about warning those who were in the Pillars getting ready to Fall.
I remember thinking, "I must go and warn
everyone!" And then I re-entered the parking garage and ran all the way up to the top level. I remember thinking, "Go to the
Top, and Warn Them All!"
I was almost to the Top Floor, when I saw a Young Boy with very bright Orange Curly Hair.
He came up to me and said that I should meet the rest of his family. I said, "You are so young, do you know what is going
on?" He replied, "I am 7 years old and you must meet my family, for they know what to do!"
I followed the boy to a
Stair Case, and it seemed like we walked up 3 flights. We finally reached a door that was already open. I remember feeling
like this room must be really warm, for I could feel heat before we walked in. As soon as we entered the room, he took me
to his other brother looked to be between 3 or 4 years old. This boy looked just like the one who came up to me in the parking
garage. This boy was holding another little boy, who looked just like they only he was not even a year old.
I could
recall how warm the room was and a certain sweet smell. If I had not had the mission of warning people, I could have easily
past out from the light-headiness. The boy who was holding the baby boy, said to me "Take my baby brother's hand, and you
will know and you shall receive peace."
I did not take the hand of that baby, for I felt that there was something
evil about these boys and this place. I remember seeing all three of them standing in the doorway as I walked away. All three
of them were waving good bye and all three of them at the same time said, "Peace, Peace!"
Please pray about this dream and ask the Lord for an Interpretation. If you feel that He has given
you the meaning, please send me an email!