The Robbery
(I had this dream on April 10, 2004)
It was pretty late at night. I would say, maybe between 10:00 and
11:00pm. My husband heard someone breaking into the house. By the time he was dressed to see who and what was going on; he
saw the person running from our house, carrying a black bag.
I ran out after them. My husband was about a block away
from me and I saw him tackle the thief to the ground. It was raining heavily and the thief was wearing a black hooded sweat
shirt. When I finally got to them, my husband was setting upon and getting ready to beat the thief. I yelled out, "Stop! It's
a female! Look at what she stole!"
The thief was a Latino Girl, with long dark hair, was maybe 20 years old and had
big beautiful scared eyes! When she was tackled to the ground, her black plastic bag burst open and spewed out the contents
that she had stolen: Plastic Disposable Drinking Cups, Plastic Eating Utensils, Paper Plates, Toilet Paper, Tooth Brush and
Paste, Hair Brush, Deodorant and Laundry Soap.
I helped my husband off the girl and proceeded to talk with her. "Why
did you steal these things? Did you not know that we are Christians and that you could ask us for anything and we would have
given them to you?" She replied, "I speak no English! I sorry! I sorry!"
I walked over to a garage and found a piece
of card board and a very thick marker. I proceeded to write upon the card board, a message that only she could understand.
It was as though the Spirit of God was Writing for me.
Now, during this whole time; there were people from that neighborhood
who had come out to see what was going on. They were amazed at what they were seeing and hearing. At first they could not
understand why we would not have the thief beaten up or carried off to jail. But then as they continued to watch and listen,
they too came to the Saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ and began to Weep for this poor Soul and also began to Worship the Lord
The dream ended with the girl saying, "I understand!" Then we hugged and I gave to her all that she had stolen.
Please pray about this dream, and ask the Lord for an Interpretation.
If you feel that He has given you the meaning, please send me an email!