Dream - Underground (2/10/05)

The Basics
In the Beginning
Daniel's Visions
Olivet Discourse
National ID ?
USGS Earthquake
Volcano World
Holocaust of WWII
World Geography
Dream - 3 shorts (8/3/05)
Dream - Almost (4/30/05)
Dream - Underground (2/10/05)
Dream - City not (9/24/04)
Dream - Solid (8/28/04)
Dream - flashes (8/20/04)
Dream - Mountains (7/18/04)
Dream - Robbery (4/10/04)
Dream - Winds (3/13/04)
Dream - Knowledge (2/10/04)
Dream - Ancient (10/5/03)
Dream - Warn (9/26/03)
Dream - Pillars (6/13/03)

The Underground City
(I had this dream on February 10, 2005)
I am walking around a very dark city.  It appears to be underground, for there was no sky above.  This city was lit up with store front lights of many colors.  These lights were never turned off, for they are what lit up the city 24 hours a day.
It appears that I am in search of a particular family.  As I am searching, I am seeing that this city has many statues of gold, silver and stone.  I would occationally see people dropping things off, like flowers and fruit at the foot of these statues. 
I finally found the place I was looking for.  The man of the house told me to come on in, for they have been waiting for me.  This home seemed to be in the heart of the city, and this family seemed to be highly esteemed!
I walked down some marble steps down to their place of dwelling.  It was very beautiful, and looked to be mainly constructed of marble.  They had a very beautiful pool and I wanted so much to go for a swim.  The man came up to me and said that there was no time for that!  He must take me to the woman of the house, who would tell me what she has been given in a vision.
I meet the woman and she has me follow her to the pool again, but we sit on the edge of a marble wall.  Just above us was a ledge that had many people on, and I was looking up as she began to tell me her vision.
"Terrible things are coming!  They are coming very soon!  Hail and fire are coming!  They will destroy this city!  I don't know how to tell the people, so that they will listen and heed these words I have been given.  They have never listened and that is why you were sent here.  You must tell these people!"
At those last words of the woman to me, there began to fall giant hail stones!  The people upon the ledge above were screaming!  I stepped out so that they might see and hear me, and I began to tell them the words from the woman.  I was not being hit by any of these giant stones, yet I could feel the force of their fall upon the ground and upon all the statues, and upon the people on the ledge!
The people were listening, but it was too late for them.  They tried to escape, but would only get crushed as they rushed down the steps.  I could see these hail stones landing into the pool, and the wave of water that was sent in great force as the stones fell in.  There was blood everywhere, and unbearable cries being heard all around me!
I looked at the woman, and she didn't seem to be afraid only surprised that this was happening today!  She said to me, "See, this is coming to pass and no one listened and heeded!  Soon the fire will begin!  I must now show you what we must do now!  Follow me, and do not turn around to see what's happening now!"
I followed her, and she took me to some very difficult places.  I felt that I could not make it, yet I did.  Though it was very hard and I didn't know where the next step was going to take me, I didn't fear.  I felt as though something was pushing me on!
All the while we walked, I could still feel and hear the destruction!  I remember feeling bad, for seeing so much blood; yet I was commanded to do nothing for the wounded and dying.  I knew that I must follow until the end!  Every second seemed vitally important and not to be taken for granted!
Then I woke up!
There is so much more to this dream that I have not shared with you, and I think that maybe now I should.
What I am going to share with you, is mainly the impressions and feelings I was receiving while in this dream.
This city looked and felt like it was a grand city back in its day.  There were structures that looked as though they were never completed.  The things that were, people paid much attention to; as though if they do not, they might lose this too. 
The stores, though they were lit up; seemed to not be in operation.  The people of the city seemed to be busy trying to keep what they had.  There were mainly children at the foot of the statues, who were always being sent by their parents or those raising them; with the flowers and fruit to set before the statues.
All of the people seemed to be underdressed, like they had lost their original garments or something.  The best I can say, they were dressed in rags.  And the atmosphere there was cold and damp.  I remember feeling chilled to the bone no matter where I went in that city.  I also remember all the children had no shoes on their feet.
At one point in the dream, it felt as though I was upon the ledge and looking down.  I remember how hard it was to breath up there.  This seemed to be at the very beginning of the dream.  It also felt like, though there were many people there; no one could see me, except the children.
In fact, now I am recalling that it was a little boy who had led me to the family I was to go to; for it was his family.  But, as soon as I had reached the place; the boy had to leave me.  I remember him saying, "I have to leave you now."  I also remember feeling terribly hungry and needed to eat something, anything.  It seems important to note, that I never received any food or drink thoughout this dream.
The man I saw at the base of the marble stars, I can't really fully describe him to you; but that he was very old, he had white hair (not long) and a white beard (also not long).  The best I can say about this man, is that he kind of reminded me of the father in Star Wars.  He had a robe on, that didn't look like the rags that the rest of the people in the city were wearing.
I can't really describe this dwelling in such a way to let you know how I felt.  Just that I somehow felt safe yet excited at the same time.  It was all made of white marble, and though the pool looked like it might be very very cold; I wanted so much to set in it, to immerse myself in it; for the city I had just walked through made me feel dirty.
It seemed as though the man led me just around the pool to what looked like a very dim room.  We did not enter, but a woman walked out of it.  She looked very old, and had very long gray hair and very long finger nails.  She wore a gray robe and I had the feeling that she might even be blind.  It felt as though she had remained in the room, for who knows how long; until I came.
When the woman spoke to me, she had a hold of my hand with her skinny long fingers.  I remember that she was very hard to look at, but yet I could not refuse to look at her.  It was as though I wanted to see her, to see what she sees.
I cannot describe to you the size of the hails stones that were falling.  Only this, that they were breaking through the dark sky in flashes of powerful light, and when they hit; oh what force!  Whatever they landed upon seemed to be crushed totally, like when you step upon a bug.  Those who were not crushed by these hail stones, were injured badly by the crushed pieces of whatever the stones landed upon; yet the stones themselves never shattered upon impact.  If you get what I am saying?!
The last part of this dream is really hard for me to describe to you.  Only that I didn't know where I was going, but it seems to be torch lit tunnels.  All I could see what red.  The floor of these tunnels felt slick and slightly warm with blood.  The screams I was hearing was piercing!  But yet, I knew I could not turn around to look.  I had to follow this tunnel to its end.  I do not know where it will end.
Please pray about this dream.  If the Lord gives you an interpretation, please send me an email.