Dream - 3 shorts (8/3/05)

The Basics
In the Beginning
Daniel's Visions
Olivet Discourse
National ID ?
USGS Earthquake
Volcano World
Holocaust of WWII
World Geography
Dream - 3 shorts (8/3/05)
Dream - Almost (4/30/05)
Dream - Underground (2/10/05)
Dream - City not (9/24/04)
Dream - Solid (8/28/04)
Dream - flashes (8/20/04)
Dream - Mountains (7/18/04)
Dream - Robbery (4/10/04)
Dream - Winds (3/13/04)
Dream - Knowledge (2/10/04)
Dream - Ancient (10/5/03)
Dream - Warn (9/26/03)
Dream - Pillars (6/13/03)

3 short dreams
(I had on August 3, 2005)
Though I did a little flying in the first one, this flight was ended like so many others are: people below, always able to grab my feet and pull me down!  I was being kidnapped in this one, and I was naked to boot!
The next one was about my frustrations over my leg (the actual sight of a bee or wasp sting I received) and the true story "Black Haulk Down" that my husband and I watched last night for the 3rd time.  I had a massive infection (more like: a flesh eating disease) and it was I who was attempting to cut it out of my leg myself.  People were watching me in "shock and awe"!  Then I said, "I've done all that I can do, now I must remove my leg!"
But before those two, my first dream had me riding my bike on the tops of buildings.  I was trying to get to a train on time.  It didn't help that I was having to ride on a ledge no more than a foot wide!  Then I reached one that seemed as though it was made of rubber!  Then I reached one building that I needed to cross over to, but it was too far away.  There were people there, and I was thinking that maybe I should throw my bike across and then I too would jump.  I guess it was that thought that woke me up.
There were certainly more details to these dreams, but this should suffice.  I can only hope that these are not prophetic in nature.
Please pray about these dreams.  If the Lord gives you an interpretation, please send me an email.