Dream - Solid (8/28/04)

The Basics
In the Beginning
Daniel's Visions
Olivet Discourse
National ID ?
USGS Earthquake
Volcano World
Holocaust of WWII
World Geography
Dream - 3 shorts (8/3/05)
Dream - Almost (4/30/05)
Dream - Underground (2/10/05)
Dream - City not (9/24/04)
Dream - Solid (8/28/04)
Dream - flashes (8/20/04)
Dream - Mountains (7/18/04)
Dream - Robbery (4/10/04)
Dream - Winds (3/13/04)
Dream - Knowledge (2/10/04)
Dream - Ancient (10/5/03)
Dream - Warn (9/26/03)
Dream - Pillars (6/13/03)

Solid Rock
(I had this dream in August of 2004.)
My husband and I are walking down a little country road in a little country town.  This little town doesn't seem to be like a place we have been to before.  It seemed to be late in the evening and as we walked, we ran across a little "Mom and Pop" shop and my husband decides to go in and get us something to drink.
While he is in the shop, I decide to stay outside and set on the curb to gaze into the night sky and smoke a cigarett.  While looking up, I could see the moon.  It was full, but the strange thing was that it was lime green in color.  As I continued to watch the moon, all of a sudden; the moon exploded!
When my husband came out of the shop, I tried as best I could; to explain to him, what I had just saw!  He either did not understand me or he could not hear me; for I was getting no response from him whatsoever.
We continued to walk down the little country road, when we ran into my husband's old friend.  I didn't really want to visit him, because he's never been a very trusting friend.  But my husband wanted to and so we went into his home.  As my husband's friend was walking through his home, we trailed behind and my husband was telling me to say something nice to him.
I asked my husband's friend, where his rest room was.  He told me and I proceeded in looking for the rest room.  As I began looking, I noticed that there were many vases with plastic flowers everywhere in one particular room.  This room looked like it hadn't been used in a very long time.  And then began to think that, possibly his girl friend (whom he desired to eventually marry) might have died.  I did not ask whether this was the case or not.
I finally found the rest room and used it, and while in there; my husband comes to the door and says that I should say something nice to his friend.  I said that I would, as soon as I come out.
I come out, and walk through that strange room with all the plastic flowers again, and begin thinking about that again.  Before I knew it, I had walked into the kitchen of the house.  I saw a Latino looking girl there, and she asked me if I want something to eat?  I said sure.  Then I began to look at this strange kitchen.
As the girl began to make sandwiches, I noticed that there were bird seeds all over the kitchen counters.  I asked whether they had a bird somewhere?  She said yes, right over there!
I looked in the direction she pointed, and I saw another very strange sight!  There was indeed something that housed a bird, but not just one bird but four birds.  This was no normal bird cage, and it looked more like an aquarium.  Inside the aquarium, there was much water and the was also a very large rock in the center.  All four birds were standing upon this rock, and were able to keep from drowning in the water that was very deep.  There was no room for these birds to fly anywhere within this aquarium, but they seemed to be satisfied with standing upon this "Solid Rock".
The End.
Please pray about this dream.  If the Lord gives you an interpretation, please send me an email.